Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today is the day!

Today is the Day! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013
Reports at the Airport at 8:00 AM
Can you believe it?! 


Its never easy to say good-bye! 

Elder Daniel Barlow with his mother


Elder Daniel George Washington Barlow is officially a 

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

Before Elder Barlow was 'Set Apart' to be a missionary, President Romney asked us to bear our testimony and we did! We felt the spirit of the Lord around us and it was so strong. Each one of us, even the youngest- bore our testimony about the Gospel and how much it meant to our Family. We bore our testimony about the love of Christ we have in our lives and the Atonement; that Joseph Smith is the True Prophet and that he was called of God to help restore the True Church, and that he translated the Book of Mormon and we know that its true.  We bore our testimony about our trials of faith, our blessings, prayers, and our willingness to obey God's will.  We bore our testimony about missionary work and how we should serve our Lord with all our heart, mind and might. 

Many beautiful testimonies were said and the Spirit of the Lord were felt and so much love in that room!

From Left to Right; Bishop Micheal Durham, President Kevin Romney, Elder Barlow, and Russ Barlow (Elder Daniel Barlow's father)
Group Picture

Elder Daniel Barlow with his parents! 
They are so proud of him! 

Look at him!

Elder Daniel G.W. Barlow with his beautiful mother.
(Prayers for these two are much appreciated!) 

Hey Everyone!

I am so excited to be going on my mission tomorrow. I want to thank everyone for all the support that they have given me as I have prepared to go and serve the Lord. I know that the Lord is with me as I go our to teach and serve His people. I know that there will be trying times where the Lord will shape me. I know the Book of Mormoen is true and that it is the word of God. That through the power of the most High God, the Church- His Church was restored and that He leads His Church through His prophet. I know that Heavenly Father is the Leader and Head of the Church. I know that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind can be saved. 

In the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ- Amen.

Thank you all for everything! 
God be with you til we meet again!
-Elder Daniel George Washington Barlow

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My thoughts...

"I am very excited to be serving for my God in the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission. I know that there will be many trials that lies ahead of me, but I know that the Lord will be there to help me as I work with the people of Africa. As I work with the people and for the people, I will begin to feel the love that our Savior has for them. I am very excited to enjoy the many experiences that are before me; their culture, their food, and etc. I know that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ, and that our Heavenly Father  loves everyone- that EVERYONE is His Son/Daughter of God. I know that Christ is the Savior and the Redeemer of the world and that He LIVES. I know Joseph Smith was called of God, a true Prophet of the Lord who restored the church- by the hand of the Lord." 

God be with you, 

Elder Daniel Barlow

Psst- 14 days left!